Yup. I’m running a Ragnar. The girl who’s not too big on group runs (I’m all about the lone runs or running with one other person) is going to pack herself into a van with 11 other runners to run 200 miles as a group AGAIN!
Just like last year, Reebok has helped us put together a dream team and together, we’ll be running Ragnar Niagara! for those who do not know what a Ragnar Relay is, it is a group of up to 12 runners banding together to run 200 miles relay style. It takes place over two days and one night, one runner at a time, 3 runs per runner. We’ll be going from Cobourg to Niagara from May 31 to June 1st!
My first thought was that we are crazy for doing this again but I found that it was a fun way to challenge myself into moving out of my comfort zone. Last year I had the shortest legs and came up around 20ish or so kilometres but this year, due to a little switcheroo, I’m going to total around 30K. So far in my training cycle, my highest peak week was 28K so it won’t be too far off from where I was at my peak buuuuut I am a little worried since I’ve never run 30K continuous (even though it’s not continuous but it’ll be within a short time span. Part of me thinks this will just be a mental block I’ll have to get over but the other part of me thinks I’ll die. Ha.
HOWEVER! I trust that my lovely vanmates will text me throughout my legs so if I’m struggling, I can always cry on the phone to them. Plus they’ll have snacks in the van for me so I’ll have to finish, right? Wish me luck! Be sure to follow along on Instagram by going through the hashtag #endorphriends
Outfit C/O: ACTIVCHILL Running Tee | Running Tights | Floatride Run Ultraknit
Other places to connect with me
Instagram: @runcarmyrun @curiouslychasing @carmyshungry
Twitter: https://twitter.com/runcarmyrun
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carmyycom
Email: [email protected]
Vlogs/Recipe Videos: Youtube
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